Monday, February 25, 2013

Happy Birthday Easton

I can't believe it, but my little guy is two today! How time flies. It seems only yesterday we were heading to the hospital. I can't say it enough how he has changed our lives for good in so many ways. He has brought more strength to our marriage, more patience to me as a mom, more love to us as a family, and more service in our home. I am so grateful to be his momma. He are some fun pictures from the past (ones that I love, but never posted cause there would be too many if I posted every picture I loved!)

He looked so cute with his little helmet. Glad that is in the past though.

One of my favorites. Easton loves his daddy and his daddy loves him.

When he is tired he will fall asleep even with a fun toy around.

No, he isn't sleeping here. I would say that 65-70% of the pictures I take of this kid his eyes are closed. I guess his eye reflexes are really fast! And this is the best day of bottle holding that we have ever had. Usually it is just propped with no hands involved.

He loves "big kid food". Most of the time it doesn't make it in his mouth, but he has a really good time trying.

Waiting for the PT at the pool. He could live in the pool if I would let him.

So funny to watch him eat with a spoon. It is all just practice and he makes a good mess of it.

First bath sitting up. He loved it almost as much as the pool.

We went to the store today to get some ice cream for his birthday. Usually I lay him down on a blanket in the cart, but he acted like he wanted to sit so we tried it. He was a CHAMP!!! He just kept smiling and laughing. I loved it so much I had to take pictures and I almost started crying. I am sure the other Maceys shoppers thought we were crazy! :)

1 comment:

Ap said...

Happy bday to eastie!! cute pictures!